Saturday, July 23, 2011

Seeing Red; Saving Beauty

Red in Santa Fe.  Photo by Chandon Banning

Red’s sponsors know whom I’m talking about, the sweetest boy ever, who spent the first 5/6 years of his life just plain being neglected.  Then there’s Bella with a family who loves her and she clearly loves and they couldn’t keep her.   Red is the pit bull somebody probably wanted to look cool; Bella is the half-pit, who just lost her family because of those who want pits to look cool, bad, whatever it is. 

I’ve never watched a dog hug her family good-bye, but today I saw that.  Poor Bella now wondering what she did wrong—nothing, dear heart.  And then there’s Red so much love to give, so much love desired, but neglected for years and left on a chain until an embedded collar made somebody correct a bad human decision. 
Bella at her family's home before coming to Rasta's

These cases make us grow weary of bad human decisions.  Red and Bella are both paying the price of being pits in America today.  Hopefully we can change that.

Red’s life is changing, thanks to his sponsors and Kate.  God bless him, he’s a good boy, despite what he’s been through.  There has to be a family for Red.  Now we have Bella with her broken heart, delivered to Rasta’s today.  She loved her momma and little boy Dillon and doesn’t know what’s happened.  She’s scared and her heart broken. 

She and Red are just two rescued among a million that will pay the price this year—the price of the once revered nanny dog.     

Keep up the good works pit lovers, dog lovers, animal lovers.  It’s one animal at a time, sometimes….

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Shawn and Chandon and Rasta's for all you do for the pitties and other pups out there.
